
Hi there, I'm Racquel!

In addition to beingĀ an award-winning marketing nerd, Amazon best-selling author, MBA graduate, and a Certified Practising Marketer, I'm also an entrepreneur who has been exactly where you are now!

Now that I've sorted out my marketing ;-), I work with business owners around the globe to help them take control of their marketing and achieve their business dreams - their way.


Hi there, I'm Racquel!

In addition to beingĀ an award-winning marketing nerd, Amazon best-selling author, MBA graduate, and a Certified Practising Marketer,Ā I'm also an entrepreneur who has been exactly where you are now!

Now that I've sorted out my marketing ;-), I work with business owners around the globe to help them take control of their marketing and achieve their business dreams - their way.

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