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Are you ready to escape the corporate rat race?

Join us a FREE online Lunch & Learn session where we'll talk about...

How to build a hustle-free side hustle

Get set to quit your job and build a business that delivers you the income AND lifestyle you want! 

Sign Me Up!

When are we running this LIVE session?









Are you one of the 81% of the workforce
battling stress & burnout?  


Owning your own business may be the answer you need to...

  • Become the master of your own destiny
  • Build a life that gives you the income AND flexibility you need
  • Have a greater impact or purpose in your professional life

What we will cover during this session:


Work out what's important to you in your business


People go into business for different reasons and it's vital that you know what's important to you so you can your business in a way that gives you what you need.



How to design a business that gives you want you want


Designing a product range and business structure are critical components of building a business to meet your needs. We'll look at some options you can consider.



How to plan an escape with less stress


There are things you can start setting up even before you tender your resignation to make the transition from corporate to business owner as easy and stress-free as possible so we'll look at some of these too!

I'm ready for that!

Hi there, I'm Racquel!

In addition to being an award-winning marketing nerd, Amazon best-selling author, MBA graduate, and a Certified Practising Marketer, I'm also an entrepreneur who has been exactly where you are now!

Now that I've sorted out my business and it's marketing ;-), I work with business owners around the globe to help them take control of their marketing and achieve their business dreams - their way.

The Lunch & Learn is on









We can't wait to see you!  

Register now for the FREE
Online Lunch & Learn webinar:

How to build a hustle-free side hustle 

Get set to quit your job and build a business that delivers you the income AND lifestyle you want!


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