
Are you tired of the corporate rat race?

If you're thinking about taking the leap into business ownership and becoming the mistress of our own destiny, then we can help!

Each month we run an Online Lunch & Learn Session on a topic related to planning your corporate escape.

Find out more and see the dates below!

Are you tired of the corporate rat race?

If you're thinking about taking the leap into business ownership and becoming the mistress of our own destiny, then we can help!

Each month we run an Online Lunch & Learn Session on a topic related to planning your corporate escape.

Find out more and see the dates below!

Our Online Lunch & Learn series will help you get rid of the guesswork & focus on what is important.

Choose the sessions you're interested in below and let's get started...

Plan your corporate escape

Wednesday 5 March 2025

12.30 to 1.30pm AEST

If you're ready to quit the corporate rat race, here are some key things to keep in mind when planning to create your own business.

How to Build a Hustle-free Side Hustle

Wednesday 4 September 2024

12.30 to 1.30pm AEST

Building a side business doesn't need to be hustle, hustle, hustle! In this session we'll look at some hustle-free options.

Register Here >

Build your Expert Profile (before you quit)

Wednesday 9 October 2024

12.30 to 1.30pm AEST

You shouldn't wait until after you quit to start building your expert profile. In this session we look at some ways you can start building your profile and attracting potential clients today.

Know Your Niche

Wednesday 6 November 2024

12.30 to 1.30pm AEST

Niching is one of the hardest things to do for any new business owner. In this session we'll look at why niching is important and how you can choose yours.

Designing your Business to Deliver your More

Wednesday 4 December 2024

12.30 to 1.30pm AEST

We all start businesses for specific reasons, so we need to make sure that our business delivers on that potential. In this session we'll look at building your 'more' into your business design.

Product Pathways to Profit

Wednesday 8 January 2025

12.30 to 1.30pm AEST

If you're in business, you need to make a profit. In this session we'll look at how to design a product that helps your clients along their customer journey, and earns you income and profit along the way.

Hi there, I'm Racquel!

In addition to being an award-winning marketing nerd, Amazon best-selling author, MBA graduate, and a Certified Practising Marketer, I'm also an entrepreneur who has been exactly where you are now!

Now that I've sorted out my marketing ;-), I work with business owners around the globe to help them take control of their marketing and achieve their business dreams - their way.

More About Me

Hi there, I'm Racquel!

In addition to being an award-winning marketing nerd, Amazon best-selling author, MBA graduate, and a Certified Practising Marketer, I'm also an entrepreneur who has been exactly where you are now!

Now that I've sorted out my marketing ;-), I work with business owners around the globe to help them take control of their marketing and achieve their business dreams - their way.

More About Me

I love helping business owners take control of their marketing & build the income & lifestyle they want!

It wasn't so long ago that I was where you are now and I know what it feels like to want the right results from your marketing.
Over the past 20 years, I've helped hundreds of people build businesses that do just that.

You may have seen me featured on:

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