
Do you need support to get your marketing unstuck

Our Marketing Launchpad Group Coaching & Support Program is your ticket to marketing success, providing you with expert guidance, a supportive community, and valuable resources to fuel your marketing journey - plus it might just help keep you sane along the way!

Are you ready to catapult your business to new heights?


Do you need more support to get your marketing unstuck?
Are you ready to catapult your business to new heights?


Our Marketing Launchpad Group Coaching & Support Program is your ticket to marketing success, providing you with expert guidance, a supportive community, and valuable resources to fuel your marketing journey - plus it might just help keep you sane along the way!

Expert advice

Support & coaching



Marketing your business can feel like a constant struggle - but it doesn't have to be!

If you want to level up your marketing clarity & confidence - & get rid of the overwhelm! - you're in the right place.

Get the support & expert guidance you need to build your business by getting the right marketing advice at the right time for you.

Hi there, I'm Racquel!

In addition to being an award-winning marketing nerd, Amazon best-selling author, MBA graduate, and a Certified Practising Marketer (blah, blah, blah!), I'm also an entrepreneur who has been exactly where you are now!

I’m a business owner AND a marketing coach and I pay someone else to coach me on getting my marketing done because I need it too!

I’m in my business, I can’t always see it objectively. They can.

I get stressed about all of the things I need to do in my business. They help me prioritise because they can still see the big picture when I lose sight of it.

And, true confession: I hate doing my own marketing (but I love doing it for others – weird I know! 🤦🏽‍♀️). So my coach can kick me in the ass when I need it – just like I do for my coaching clients.

A coach helps me get out of my own head and out of my own way by being the objective sounding board and cheerleader I need – just like I do for my coaching clients.

And now that I've sorted out my marketing ;-), I have the time to work with business owners around the globe to help them take control of their marketing and achieve their business dreams - their way.

Racquel Collard, Marketing Coach

Hi there, I'm Racquel!

In addition to being an award-winning marketing nerd, Amazon best-selling author, MBA graduate, and a Certified Practising Marketer (blah, blah, blah!), I'm also an entrepreneur who has been exactly where you are now!

I’m a business owner AND a marketing coach and I pay someone else to coach me on getting my marketing done because I need it too!

I’m in my business, I can’t always see it objectively. They can.

I get stressed about all of the things I need to do in my business. They help me prioritise because they can still see the big picture when I lose sight of it.

And, true confession: I hate doing my own marketing (but I love doing it for others – weird I know! 🤦🏽‍♀️). So my coach can kick me in the ass when I need it – just like I do for my coaching clients.

A coach helps me get out of my own head and out of my own way by being the objective sounding board and cheerleader I need – just like I do for my coaching clients.

And now that I've sorted out my marketing ;-), I have the time to work with business owners around the globe to help them take control of their marketing and achieve their business dreams - their way.

More About Me

It’s so much easier when you have the right support!


The reality is you really can’t do it all alone. You’ve got a sh@# ton to get done and marketing your business is one more thing on the list.

A marketing coach / strategist / accountability buddy / cheerleader / objective sounding board can make all of the difference.

A good coach doesn’t bring the baggage of a past relationship like you have with friends, family or colleagues. But they do bring their knowledge and experience.

They don’t have any agenda other than helping you succeed. There are no competing KPIs here, there’s just moving you closer to your goals in the most efficient way possible.

It wasn't so long ago that I was where you are now and I know what it feels like to want the right results from your marketing but not be sure of what to focus on next. And damn it, I'm a marketing expert!

Over the past 20 years, I've helped hundreds of people prioritise their marketing & grow their businesses. Are you ready to grow yours?

Why should you join this group coaching program?

3 little bitty reasons that can make a huge difference!

1. Expert-led learning

I’m a marketing strategist and a fixer. In corporate I was usually brought in to help the business adapt & grow at a pivotal time. I would assess where the business was, work out what needed to change to get it to where they wanted to go, and then get it done.

And as a marketing consultant and coach that’s also what I do for my clients.

In this program you can benefit from my extensive marketing expertise and gain actionable strategies to boost your marketing efforts. In particular, the monthly live Masterclasses will help you upskill & succeed.

2. Interactive & engaging

You can drop into the fortnightly live Q&A sessions as and when you need to.

You can even submit questions prior and watch the recordings if the live session doesn’t happen at a time that suits you (I’ll email you when I’ve answered your question!).

The masterclasses will keep you working on the parts of your marketing that will help you move the needle in your business. Again, the recordings will be there if you miss a live session or want to watch a past one.

You'll also be part of a diverse community of business owners, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.

3. Flexible & supportive

Enjoy the flexibility of a monthly or annual membership and the ease of online learning while receiving personalized support from our experts and fellow members.

Optional one-to-one support is available if you need it (or even just prefer it!)

If at any stage you feel you need more bespoke, customized and personalized support, then one-to-one coaching is available.

Group coaching clients get priority access to this service as I don’t take on more than a handful of one-to-one clients in a month (it’s how I protect my sanity and ensure that you get the focus and energy you need from me), and I figure if you’re in the group program, you’re serious about growing your business and we’re more likely to do well together.

What people are saying

Georgina Kelly

Business Coach
Dubai, UAE

"Racquel is one of the most organised, patient and resourceful people I know. She knows her stuff when it comes to marketing in B2B and B2C arena. She is able to get to the root of the problem quickly and more importantly explain her solutions in a language that is easily understood and not marketing gobbledy gook, that is a gift in itself.

When you work with Racquel, you know you are in a pair of safe hands."

Zoe West

Relationship Coach
Zoe West Coaching

"I'm so glad I decided to work with Racquel on refining my niche, offers and messaging.

I hadn't realised just how much I needed to have someone like her in my corner, supporting and challenging me.

She took me much deeper than any previous programs ever have and got me to a much much clearer understanding of what I offer and to whom.

With all of that I was able to completely revamp my website, integrating all the learnings and practical tips I'd gotten.

It was so worth it, so thank you Racquel."

Lesley Allan

Squarespace Web Strategist
and Designer

"I love working with Racquel, I always leave our calls feeling inspired and clear on what I am doing and how I need to proceed with my business.

The roadmap I purchased has given me much needed guidance on how to improve my marketing strategies.

I feel like she's with me every step of the way. I highly recommend her."

Choose the option that best suits you

Select your preferred option below and let's get started...



$49 per month


Not ready for a long term commitment? 😉 Get the support & expert guidance you need to build your business with the flexibility of a monthly membership.

Stay as long as you need. You can cancel at any time.

The Marketing Launchpad Group Coaching & Support Program includes:

  • Fortnightly LIVE 1-hour "Ask A Marketer" Q&A session with Racquel Collard - bring along any marketing questions or issues & instant feedback from an expert
  • Monthly LIVE 1-hour Marketing Masterclass followed by a 30-minute Q&A session  with Racquel Collard - we'll cover a range of topics to help you get your marketing machine built & optimised for the best results
  • Access to recordings of the Marketing Masterclasses 


$490 per year - save $293!


Lock in the support & expert guidance you need to build your business for 12 months and get rewarded with two months free PLUS get the self-paced Online Course and accountability emails too!

The Marketing Launchpad Group Coaching & Support Program includes 12 months' access to:

  • Fortnightly LIVE 1-hour "Ask A Marketer" Q&A session with Racquel Collard - bring along any marketing questions or issues & instant feedback from an expert
  • Monthly LIVE 1-hour Marketing Masterclass followed by a 30-minute Q&A session  with Racquel Collard - we'll cover a range of topics to help you get your marketing machine built & optimised for the best results
  • Access to recordings of the Marketing Masterclasses


  • BONUS Marketing Launchpad Self-paced Online Course & 12 weeks of accountability emails to keep you on track to build your own Marketing Launchpad - valued at $195!




Get one-to-one support & expert guidance from Racquel Collard, customized completely to your needs.

The One-to-one Online Coaching program includes:

  • Discovery questionnaire to find out exactly where you're at in your marketing journey
  • 6 x 1-hour one-to-one Zoom coaching sessions (sessions are recorded with your permission for easy reference later on)
  • 1 x 1-hour one-to-one Zoom Next Steps session


  • Everything in the Marketing Launchpad Group Coaching & Support Program Annual Membership


If you're interested in 1:1 coaching please book an obligation-free call using the link below & we can see if we're a good fit for each other.



 T&Cs apply. Prices quoted are in USD and include applicable GST.

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